Quora Question: Where can I find a Direct Link to my Airbnb?

Quora is a social network for asking questions. It can be lots of fun. Feel free to connect with me there. I like to help people with Airbnb related questions on there. Here’s my answer to the Quora question: Where can I find a Direct Link to my Airbnb?


You can just use the share button. It’s here:

Here's how to find a direct link to your Airbnb

I’ve even created a tiny URL for it too.


That’s easier to remember. Take a look at my place at that link should you be interested.

I have also set up my own website for my space and tend to share the link to that instead when speaking to people face to face. I don’t think it’s healthy for my business to rely entirely on one platform. The site is thecurioushost.com

Thanks for reading!
